Elon Musk: An inspiration for Witblox
Grow yourself on your interest and lead your life on your instinct.
Elon Musk was just 9 when he designed his own computer game and sold it for $500. How come a child in early 80s can do that? There are broadly two reasons behind this, one, his parents encouraged him on his interest in science & computers and secondly his confidence on his instinct. Today he is an inventor, entrepreneur, CEO of SpaceX, Tesla Motors & Solar City. But the most interesting part of his life which triggers the idea of right education is his private school for his children. Yes, you heard it right, Elon Musk is giving education to his 5 children in his privately designed school where they can chase their interest at their speed with confidence. But why a private school?
Elon has revealed in the past about his experience of being bullied in school and his disinterest in school subjects. The school has never been a good place for him. According to Elon ‘what we learn in school, we never use them in real life’, so why not give something in school which a child can take forward in life? The idea of giving something meaningful is what the chords of our life should be.
Elon Musk and his achievements are inspiring millions of people across the globe. Among all, the team of witblox is one such group of people who are highly motivated by Elon Musk & his life. Especially the success story of Space X.
If Elon Musk can plan to send rodents & plants to Mars on a privately funded rocket and see a dream of taking the citizens of this planet for a space tour than why not we give similar dreams to our upcoming generations? What’s lacking is the encouragement of achieving extraordinary goals. Fiction is no longer a figment of imagination, rather a reality and that is only possible if you are not afraid of failure.
Don’t limit children’s imagination. Help them grow so strong that they can achieve any fairy tale of their life. When Elon Musk was young he was always into comics and if we carefully look at his wide array of extraordinary success, inventions and his plans for future you will see a definite connection between the world of his comics and its present reality, which he is now turning into achievable possibilities.
Children are comics lovers, the colours, the characters, the mystery and adventure triggers interest in the young minds. So Witblox has also introduced comics as an explanatory tool for their regular project updates through their Witblox Android App. Elon Musk can be an inspiration for Witblox but for us, witblox is an inspiration. They give us a possibility where a child can invent something on his own, solve daily based problems and even use the application of logic in all instances of life.
So let us promise as parents to give enough exposure to our children and encourage them to go after their interests. Let us change the definition of failure as another opportunity for success. Our children can do wonders. We just need them to grow freely with a lot of encouragement & inspiration.