Five reasons how your child can grow smarter with Witblox.

Film Blog India
3 min readSep 9, 2019


A remote controlled car made using witblox

Sit back, relax and think of all the activities that we do today which help us earn the tastiest ‘bread & butter’ for our family. Hard work, critical & problem-solving ability, creativity & innovative application, smartness, being positive and always looking for success, these are the few of many abilities we need today to grow ourselves into a successful man but none of these is a part of our school syllabus. Witblox, an electronic building blocks based DIY robotics has an advantage here as it follows the concept of STEM education. STEM an abbreviation of Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths is a modern invention of leaning. Often practiced both inside and outside school STEM education focus mainly on hands-on learning experience, where children go beyond the traditional style of learning and also experience the real-world applications. Witblox has been instrumental in doing the same. A startup which focuses on children and helps them understand their daily challenges and then come up with their own style of solution. This kind of independent learning, thinking and problem-solving attitude is very much the need of this hour. And also for the future. So here are the five best things about learning Witblox.

One: Ability to innovate
Innovation till a decade back has always been a part of higher education. But things are changing, new and innovative leaning system such as STEM has gained enough credibility as many children are coming up with new and innovative ideas. ‘Lot of children with the witblox home kit have done some amazing inventions, many among the others also came up with ideas which were simply beyond our imagination.’

Two: Ability to relate to the real world
One of the special aspects of STEM is that the learning helps children connect directly with the real-life instances which further help them understand the subject with practicality.

Three: Thinkers & doers
If you see any project of Witblox you will find that it encourages children to think and then do it using their senses & motor skills. Thinking right is as important as living right. Witblox does the same for children.

Four: Children are the future change-makers
Children of today if learn well, will become the change-makers of tomorrow. Will be the reason for a brighter country. And we must remember that innovation is a critical component of economic growth.

Five: Parents responsibility
As parents, it is our responsibility to bring our children in such a way that they can withstand the pressure of the upcoming future. Only structured education is not enough. We have to give them a chance to go beyond the conventional approach towards life because children are natural learners. Trust on them and wait for the magic to happen.



Film Blog India
Film Blog India

Written by Film Blog India

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