Project Nomad: Connecting Education
Unconventional or alternative education is the future of Indian Education, sooner you realize the better it is.
In roughly six months time Project Nomad is creating enough impact among the unconventional education sector or in other words in the world of alternative education. Our system has made us believe more into the concept ‘right to education’ than ‘right education’. Believe it or not, a large number of parents in India is forcing their children into education, but not right education. We are more worried about marks & grades, exams and boards, jobs and social security. Take a pause in your life and look closely into the society. None of these matters today. Our society is degrading at a very fast rate and the reason is very much connected with our approach towards life which we learn in school at an early age. Our school teaches us how to leave alone, how to move ahead leaving others behind, how to become a selfish person. And as a result we have employment issues, our political system is somehow not citizen friendly, our economy is still struggling to stand erect on its feet even after 70 years of freedom. And that obsolete education system for over few hundred years has made us what we are today. People who have realized this are now looking for alternatives, may it be education or lifestyle and Project Nomad is creating awareness about the same.
Sir Ken Robinson, education guru, author and adviser — says relentless testing and the push for standardized scores are destroying students’ imagination and talent.
From their inception Project Nomad has connected with several alternative forms of education like Free Bird Centre at Thane, Mumbai which follows the idea of sudbury education, Sadhana School at Sion, also in Mumbai which follows an open learning system, schools like Samaaveshi Pathshaala at Karjat working exclusively on inclusive education and Tamarind Tree School at Dahanu Road in Maharashtra are few of the amazing educational practice happening around. From Mumbai to Pune and now expanding over Kolkata and Delhi, project nomad is also collaborating with NGOs like The Dead River Project from Delhi and citizen lead movements like Fridays For Future Mumbai.
Among their recent activities Climate Pe Charcha is being making a buzz around the corners of some social media platforms, where project nomad collaborates with local institutes, NGOs and organize a climate awareness discussion with children, parents, adults and all others.
Climate in recent times has been an important issue and subject of discussion. And it is also an important part of our life but neither in school and in our daily life we discuss about climate. So is the reason for climate pe charcha, where all interested people who want to know more about climate and its crisis comes together and look for possible solutions at an individual level.
Project Nomad demands our existing school system to be more democratic. Children have the right to know more about the subjects like environment, climate, inclusiveness of the society, waste management, sex education, women hygiene and even farming and their importance. The time for rote learning is gone, education business in India has crossed 101 billion dollars per year mark producing only a work force of less than 8% out of all graduates from all possible fields of education. Isn’t that horrifying?
Project Nomad will be traveling across India in the coming years and they are looking for collaboration in all possible ways to sustain their journey in search of alternative education & lifestyle. The hope is still alive and together we can bring in the best education for our children, which is not only our responsibility but an urgent need of this hour.
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