Witblox Learning App at IIT Bombay Techfest 2020
The new year for Witblox learning app community members started with a bang when all young hearts got a chance to interact with the witblox team at IIT Bombay tech fest in person on January 5, 2020. There was a constant gathering of young & old across different academics from various parts of Maharashtra and event outside. The growing interest in electronics and robotics was visible across the faces who were engaging with the day-long activities arranged by the witblox team. There were various explainer activities, workshops & also the chance to try out the Witblox learning app.
Among all, it was the young brigade who took the maximum space to understand what exactly is witblox robotics learning app and how they can be a part of the community. Witblox team has designed their leaning app in such a way that within a few minutes of engagement one can happily start building his/her robots using some electronic tools or e-blocks. After all, every parent is looking for a productive happiness & Witblox learning app is delivering the same with no compromise.
If you are eager enough to know more about witblox then just log on to their website at www.witblox.com or simply download their Android App from Google Play.