Witblox — helping children transform their ideas into reality
Twice every month the witblox team throws a ‘do it yourself’ challenge which is based on STEM education and modular electronics. Read to know more.
Have you ever given a thought on how the wiper on your car's windshield might be working? You may know the answer but what about your child? There are logics, science and mechanisms working all around us all the time. Some we are aware of and some we are not. But how about creating science projects for children to understand how the world near and around us is working. Let me welcome you into the world of Witblox Makers.
Witblox is a modular electronic-based DIY project made for children where the young followers are known as witblox makers. Thousands of children across India & abroad are working on different electronic projects which are created every month as challenges and the makers from different parts of the world follow similar electronic logics and create their own projects. The goal is the same for all but the makers choose and design their own path to reach that same goal. Such an activity encourages logical thinking, problem-solving attitude mixed with science, mechanism understanding and creativity, all are considered very crucial for the upcoming times.
How can you be a part of witblox makers’ team?
The answer is very simple. Download the witblox app from the Google App Store or simply visit the website www.witblox.com